Inspired training for dogs and their families
Jill Bowers
Dog Training and Behavior Specialist

Thank Blog!
is written by Jill and Jamie Bowers.

Jill is a private, in-home dog trainer based in greater LA.

We believe that dogs offer companionship that adds unique and valuable richness to human lives. We help dogs and people realize the fullest potential of their relationship.

Should you have any questions about dogs or our services you can contact us or feel free to use the comments.

Jill Bowers, Behavior Specialist  Saturday, May 13, 2006

Quinn, the protector

Well, today was interesting. After I got home from my lessons (around 5), I decided to take the dogs to Runyan for a little hike.

We got down to the beginning of the hard hike and began walking up the trail. All of a sudden, I see this guy ahead of me, just standing there staring. He was dressed in clothes that were clearly not hiking attire. He had on jeans and a nice shirt that was really wrinkled (he probably slept in it or something). His hair was all messed up and his face looked like he was a bit cracked out, like he was on something. I mean, if anything, it was weird he chose to wander up the hardest hike there! This is exactly why I felt like he didn't really know where he was.

I had on my ear phones (I was listening to Pink's new cd - so good!) so I tried to mind my business and decided to try and quickly run past him to avoid any kind of situation - being that we were all alone on this small mountain and all. As I pass him, he starts to do all of these erratic movements with his arms and starts to swear and say things under his breath. He was talking to himself and was clearly agitated. At this point, I got a little scared and turned off my music so I could hear everything around me.

At this point, I look around and Quinn is gone. I got really nervous because a.) I am just a little lady alone on the trail b.) Quinn NEVER wonders off and c.) I have no clue where this guys is or what he is capable of. SO, after yelling for Quinn, I turn and can't find her so of course I am scared and totally freaking out. Finally, out of nowhwere I hear Quinn barking. I get my knife out (I have one for safety when I hike) and walk back towards where the guy was. He is very agitated and swearing like crazy. I look over and low and behold, Quinn is literally guarding...I have never seen her do this before. She wasn't backing up, it was almost like she was making sure he stayed put. I quickly grabbed her and screamed, "LET'S GO!" This broke her focus and off she went with me. I felt very safe with her.

Doberman's Rock!!!

Tags: Doberman Pinscher, Runyan Canyon, Protection, hiking, loyalty, Pink


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