Please help this pup...

Impound 842181, 15 year old female, Lab mix
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Poor smiling Queen has no idea that her life will soon to end if she is not adopted or rescues. She needs a foster home to save her life.
Many of you remember and have been asking about Queen. She was dumped at the South Los Angeles shelter with her friend, a BIG 2 year Rottie/Shep mix. Their owners could not have cared less if their dogs were put down. They completed the intake forms saying that BOTH dogs growled at people, growled at other dogs, growled at cats and were basically not nice dogs. From reading their intake form, you would have thought these were the two worst dogs.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Both dogs are sweet, gentle, great with people and great with other dogs. The Rott/Shep and is rescued and in a foster home where he gets along with kids and small dogs. But poor Queen is still stuck at the shelter with her life very much in danger. When she was first put in the kennel, she sat smiling at the front of the cage, looking at everyone who passed. You could tell she was waiting for her people to come and get her. This gentle, trusting girl could not even fathom that her human family would betray her and not come back. So there she sits with her life very much in danger. She shares her kennel with 3 other wonderful old gals who are in the same predicament. It is so sad, it seems that holidays inspires people to dump their old dog. Out with the old, in with the new?
I took Queen out and she was so happy to be out in the fresh air and be able to walk around. She smiled as she explored her surroundings. She is very gentle, naturally happy and just a really lovable old gal. I pet her and she just there smiling, happy to be getting some attention. She is a really good dog who doesn't seem to need or expect much. She does like her treats though!
Does anyone have room in their home for a sweet old dog to live out her life? It is just too sad, the idea of her being taken to the back room for her life to be ended with nobody to even know or care that she is gone.
Please email if you can help.
Create Karma...It's a Dogs Life
Karma Rescue:
South LA City Shelter 3612 11th Ave
LA, CA 90018
213 485-0117 or 213 485-0119
She needs a foster home and medical sponsor or donations to get her into a rescue group.
Impound 842181, 15 year female, Black Lab mix
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