Looking for a small dog?

I had a woman call me to help her find a home for her puppy that she just adopted. She has cats and they don' t like to be around him and they don't have the time to spend training him. So, I am posting this picture and hopefully someone will want him or he will be going back to the shelter.
I actually met him and he is just a typical puppy. He is very cute and spunky. I really liked him, so, if anyone out there wants him, I will give you a free lesson to get you started. This dog is too special to go back to the shelter.
I will get back to you on the details like age, weight, temperament...etc...
Name: Bobo
Age: 7 months
Weight: 19 lbs.
Temperment: He has a very sweet and loving personality and is very loyal as well as playful. Like most puppies, he tends to be hyper because of his puppy energy and has a tendency to mouth/nip. He needs a home that has time for training.
Tags: adoption, rescue dog, puppy, shelter
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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