This is my twin sister, Jamie and her puppy, Emmitt. Emmitt is 9 months old and has been a real pleasure to train. We have him doing basic commands and still have more to teach, but now we are going to take it to the next level with clicker training.
Remember the preschool that I am going to do a presentation for? Yeah, well, he is going to be my little star. I would use Quinn, but most people are afraid of her because she is a Doberman, little 3-6 year olds would probably run screaming. So, anyway, Emmitt will be accompanying me.
This means I have a lot of work to do. Let me rephrase that, WE have a lot of work to do. He is great now, but could be so much better and I will need him to be very reliable. So, hopefully I will get my video camera back soon so I can film our progress, otherwise, I will update you like this!
Tags: clicker training, training, Border Terrier, preschool
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