Congrats to Emmitt!

He was neutered yesterday, I just picked him up! Although it doesn't seem like a happy thing, it he will be able to do daycares and will have more freedom because there is no worry that he will impregnate a pup! There are health benefits as well...
Health benefits for spaying and neutering are:
Spaying your female:
- Prevents your dog from having heat cycles; not only will you not have to worry about unwelcome male dogs arriving at your door, you won’t have to supervise or clean up after your female dog in heat
- Prevents unwanted litters from being born; with so many puppies in shelters already, finding good homes for new puppies involves a great deal of your time and money
- Prevents unwanted pregnancies which can often complicate the health of your dog
- Prevents Pyometra, an infection of the uterus which poses serious health risks to unspayed dogs
- Eliminates the risk of uterine and ovarian cancers, and can decrease the chance of mammary cancers
- Prevents the cause of unwanted litters
- Prevents the risk of prostate disease, perianal tumors and perineal hernias
- Prevents a variety of infections, cysts and abscesses
- Decreases your dog's tendency to roam in search of female dogs in heat
- Curbs aggressive and hyperactive behavior; this means less marking, biting and aggressive/dominant behavior with other dogs and people
Tags: spay, neuter, male dogs, female dogs
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